Spring 2023 Midterm Exam 1

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Instructor(s): Janine Tiefenbruck

This exam was administered in person. Students had 50 minutes to take this exam.

Problem 1

Source: Spring 2023 Midterm 1, Problem 1

Consider a dataset such that 60 \leq y_1 \leq y_2 \leq \dots \leq y_n. Let R_{abs}(h) represent the mean absolute error of a constant prediction h on this dataset. Suppose we know that R_{abs}(27) = 94.

Problem 1.1

Find \bar y, or the mean of \{y_1, y_2, \dots, y_n\}.

\bar{y} = 121

There are several ways to complete this problem. One way is to interpret mean absolute error of a constant prediction h as the average distance of each data point to h. So we are told that the average distance of each data point to 27 is 94. That is, the data points are 94 units away from 27 on average. Since all the data is at least 60, they must be 94 units more than 27, or 121, on average.

You can also arrive at the same answer algebraically using the definition of R_{abs}(h). We have \begin{aligned} R_{abs}(h) &= \frac1n \sum_{i=1}^{n}|y_i - h| \\ R_{abs}(27) &= \frac1n \sum_{i=1}^{n}|y_i - 27| \\ &= \frac1n \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - 27) \qquad \text{because each~} y_i\geq 60 \\ &= \frac1n\left( \sum_{i=1}^{n}y_i - \sum_{i=1}^{n}27\right) \\ &= \frac1n\left( n\cdot\bar y - n\cdot27\right) \\ &= \bar y - 27 \end{aligned}

Since we are told that R(27) = 94, we can set \bar y - 27 = 94, to find that \bar y = 121.

Problem 1.2

Find R_{abs}(58).

R_{abs}(58) = 63

Again, we can complete this problem in multiple ways. Interpreting R_{abs}(h) as the average distance of each data point to h, we can see that since 58 is 31 units closer to each data point than 27, R_{abs}(58) = R_{abs}(27) - 31 = 94 - 31 = 63.

Another way to do this problem uses the answer from part (a). Since the data points average to 121, their distance to 58 is 121-58 = 63, on average.

Problem 1.3

Which of the following could be the mean absolute deviation from the median for this dataset? There is only one correct answer.

Our answer is 18.

One easy way to do this problem is to recognize that none of these values are too low, but they may be too high. For example, the mean absolute deviation from the median can be as low as 0, when all the data points are the same. Since we are told there is only one correct answer and we know that no answer choice is too low, that means the correct answer must be the lowest option, 18.

We can also rule out all the other answer choices to show that they are too high. To do that, we’ll show that 62 is too high, and therefore, both 94 and 102 are too high as well. We are told that all data points are at least 60. By similar logic as we used in part (b), we can see that R_{abs}(60) = 61. Since the minimum value of R_{abs}(h) occurs at the median h^*\geq 60 and we already know R_{abs}(60) = 61, it must be the case that R(h^*) \leq 61.

Problem 2

Source: Spring 2023 Midterm 1, Problem 2

Let R_{sq}(h) represent the mean squared error of a constant prediction h for a given dataset. Find a dataset \{y_1, y_2\} such that the graph of R_{sq}(h) has its minimum at the point (7,16).

The dataset is {3, 11}.

We’ve already learned that R_{sq}(h) is minimized at the mean of the data, and the minimum value of R_sq(h) is the variance of the data. So we need to provide a dataset of two points with a mean of 7 and a variance of 16. Recall that the variance is the average squared distance of each data point to the mean. Since we want a variance of 16, we can make each point 4 units away from the mean. Therefore, our data set can be y_1 = 3, y_2 = 11. In fact, this is the only solution.

A more calculative approach uses the formulas for mean and variance and solves a system of two equations:

\begin{aligned} \frac{y_1+y_2}{2} &= 7 \\ \frac12 \left((y_1 - 7)^2 + (y_2 - 7)^2 \right) &= 16 \end{aligned}

Problem 3

Source: Spring 2023 Midterm 1, Problem 3

In general, the logarithm of a convex function is not convex. Give an example of a function f(x) such that f(x) is convex, but \log_{10}(f(x)) is not convex.

There are many correct answers to this question. Some simple answers are f(x) = x and f(x) = x^2. The logarithms of these function are \log_{10}(x) and 2\log_{10}(x), both of which are nonconvex because there are pairs of points such that the line connecting them goes below the function.

Problem 4

Source: Spring 2023 Midterm 1, Problem 4

Suppose we are given a dataset of points \{(x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), \dots, (x_n, y_n)\} and for some reason, we want to make predictions using a prediction rule of the form H(x) = 17 + w_1x.

Problem 4.1

Write down an expression for the mean squared error of a prediction rule of this form, as a function of the parameter w_1.

MSE(w_1) = \dfrac1n \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - (17 + w_1x_i))^2

Problem 4.2

Minimize the function MSE(w_1) to find the parameter w_1^* which defines the optimal prediction rule H^*(x) = 17 + w_1^*x. Show all your work and explain your steps.

Fill in your final answer below:

w_1^* = \dfrac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i(y_i - 17)}{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2}

To minimize a function of one variable, we need to take the derivative, set it equal to zero, and solve. \begin{aligned} MSE(w_1) &= \dfrac1n \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - 17 - w_1x_i)^2 \\ MSE'(w_1) &= \dfrac1n \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n -2x_i(y_i - 17 - w_1x_i)) \qquad \text{using the chain rule} \\ 0 &= \dfrac1n \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n -2x_i(y_i - 17) + \dfrac1n \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n 2x_i^2w_1 \qquad \text{splitting up the sum} \\ 0 &= \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n -x_i(y_i - 17) + \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2w_1 \qquad \text{multiplying through by } \frac{n}{2} \\ w_1 \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2 &= \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i(y_i - 17) \qquad \text{rearranging terms and pulling out } w_1 \\ w_1 & = \dfrac{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i(y_i - 17)}{\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2} \end{aligned}

Problem 4.3

True or False: For an arbitrary dataset, the prediction rule H^*(x) = 17 + w_1^*x goes through the point (\bar x, \bar y).


When we fit a prediction rule of the form H(x) = w_0+w_1x using simple linear regression, the formula for the intercept w_0 is designed to make sure the regression line passes through the point (\bar x, \bar y). Here, we don’t have the freedom to control our intercept, as it’s forced to be 17. This means we can’t guarantee that the prediction rule H^*(x) = 17 + w_1^*x goes through the point (\bar x, \bar y).

A simple example shows that this is the case. Consider the dataset (-2, 0) and (2, 0). The point (\bar x, \bar y) is the origin, but the prediction rule H^*(x) does not pass through the origin because it has an intercept of 17.

Problem 4.4

True or False: For an arbitrary dataset, the mean squared error associated with H^*(x) is greater than or equal to the mean squared error associated with the regression line.


The regression line is the prediction rule of the form H(x) = w_0+w_1x with the smallest mean squared error (MSE). H^*(x) is one example of a prediction rule of that form so unless it happens to be the regression line itself, the regression line will have lower MSE because it was designed to have the lowest possible MSE. This means the MSE associated with H^*(x) is greater than or equal to the MSE associated with the regression line.

Problem 5

Source: Spring 2023 Midterm 1, Problem 5

Let X be a design matrix with 4 columns, such that the first column is a column of all 1s. Let \vec{y} be an observation vector. Let \vec{w}^* = (X^TX)^{-1}X^T\vec{y}. We’ll name the components of \vec{w}^* as follows:

\vec{w}^* = \begin{bmatrix} w_0^* \\ w_1^* \\ w_2^* \\ w_3^* \end{bmatrix}

In this problem, we’ll consider various modifications to the design matrix and see how they affect the solution to the normal equations.

Problem 5.1

Let X_a be the design matrix that comes from interchanging the first two columns of X. Let \vec{w_a}^* = (X_a^TX_a)^{-1}X_a^T\vec{y}. Express the components \vec{w_a}^* in terms of w_0^*, w_1^*, w_2^*, and w_3^* (which were the components of \vec{w}^*).

\vec{w_a}^* = \begin{bmatrix} w_1^* \\ w_0^* \\ w_2^* \\ w_3^* \end{bmatrix}

Suppose our original prediction rule was of the form: H(\vec{x}) = w_0 + w_1x_1+ w_2x_2+ w_3x_3.

Where: \vec{w_a}^* = \begin{bmatrix} v_0^* \\ v_1^* \\ v_2^* \\ v_3^* \end{bmatrix}

By swapping the first two columns of our design matrix, this changes the prediction rule to be of the form: H_2(\vec{x}) = v_1 + v_0x_1 + v_2x_2+ v_3x_3.

Therefore the optimal parameters for H_2 are related to the optimal parameters for H by: \begin{aligned} v_0^* &= w_1^* \\ v_1^* &= w_0^* \\ v_2^* &= w_2^* \\ v_3^* &= w_3^* \end{aligned}

Intuitively, when we interchange two columns of our design matrix, all that does is interchange the terms in the prediction rule, which interchanges those weights in the parameter vector.

Problem 5.2

Let X_b be the design matrix that comes from adding one to each entry of the first column of X. Let \vec{w_b}^* = (X_b^TX_b)^{-1}X_b^T\vec{y}. Express the components \vec{w_b}^* in terms of w_0^*, w_1^*, w_2^*, and w_3^* (which were the components of \vec{w}^*).

\vec{w_b}^* = \begin{bmatrix} \dfrac{w_0^*}{2} \\ w_1^* \\ w_2^* \\ w_3^*\end{bmatrix}

Suppose our original prediction rule was of the form: H(\vec{x}) = w_0 + w_1x_1+ w_2x_2+ w_3x_3.

Where: \vec{w_b}^* = \begin{bmatrix} v_0^* \\ v_1^* \\ v_2^* \\ v_3^* \end{bmatrix}

By adding one to each entry of the first column of the design matrix, we are changing the column of 1s to be a column of 2s. This changes the prediction rule to be of the form: H_2(\vec{x}) = v_0\cdot 2+ v_1x_1 + v_2x_2+ v_3x_3.

In order to compensate for these changes to our coefficients, we need to “offset” any alterations made to our coefficients. Therefore the optimal parameters for H_2 are related to the optimal parameters for H by: \begin{aligned} v_0^* &= \dfrac{w_0^*}{2} \\ v_1^* &= w_1^* \\ v_2^* &= w_2^* \\ v_3^* &= w_3^* \end{aligned}

This is saying we just halve the intercept term. For example, imagine fitting a line to data in \mathbb{R}^2 and finding that the best-fitting line is y=12+3x. If we had to write this in the form y=v_0\cdot 2 + v_1x, we would find that the best choice for v_0 is 6 and the best choice for v_1 is 3.

Problem 5.3

Let X_c be the design matrix that comes from adding one to each entry of the third column of X. Let \vec{w_c}^* = (X_c^TX_c)^{-1}X_c^T\vec{y}. Express the components \vec{w_c}^* in terms of w_0^*, w_1^*, w_2^*, and w_3^*, which were the components of \vec{w}^*.

\vec{w_c}^* = \begin{bmatrix} w_0^* - w_2^* \\ w_1^* \\ w_2^* \\ w_3^* \end{bmatrix}

Suppose our original prediction rule was of the form: H(\vec{x}) = w_0 + w_1x_1+ w_2x_2+ w_3x_3.

Where: \vec{w_c}^* = \begin{bmatrix} v_0^* \\ v_1^* \\ v_2^* \\ v_3^* \end{bmatrix}

By adding one to each entry of the third column of the design matrix, this changes the prediction rule to be of the form: \begin{aligned} H_2(\vec{x}) &= v_0+ v_1x_1 + v_2(x_2+1)+ v_3x_3 \\ &= (v_0 + v_2) + v_1x_1 + v_2x_2+ v_3x_3 \end{aligned}

In order to compensate for these changes to our coefficients, we need to “offset” any alterations made to our coefficients. Therefore the optimal parameters for H_2 are related to the optimal parameters for H by \begin{aligned} v_0^* &= w_0^* - w_2^* \\ v_1^* &= w_1^* \\ v_2^* &= w_2^* \\ v_3^* &= w_3^* \end{aligned}

One way to think about this is that if we replace x_2 with x_2+1, then our predictions will increase by the coefficient of x_2. In order to keep our predictions the same, we would need to adjust our intercept term by subtracting this same amount.

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